¿How you can help us?

Joves Navegants depends on donations and volunteers to carry out projects which help disadvantaged youngsters from the Balearic Islands and to guarantee Galaxie is maintained in the peak condition required.

The Project

Every year Joves Navegants takes around 300 young people from the Balearic Islands off to sea to enjoy four days of adventures sailing aboard our sail boat Galaxie. The majority of these younsters arrive with no sailing experience at all and come from disadvantaged backgrounds

At the end of their voyage aboard Galaxie they will have:

  • Developed a feeling of success.
  • Built self-esteem and confidence in themselves.
  • Developed leadership skills and team skills.
  • Demonstrated the value of co-operation over conflict.
  • Widened their horizons beyond day-to-day.

Previous Projects Collection

Economic Objetive - Repair of the Galaxie




Crowdfunding Projects

Joves Navegants depends on donations and volunteers to carry out projects which help disadvantaged youngsters from the Balearic Islands and to guarantee Galaxie is maintained in the peak condition required.


“is extremely proud of its long standing relationship with Joves Navegants. As one of the original supporters from the superyacht industry Pinmar has been associated with Joves Navegants since 1992. During this period we have been pleased to assist in raising important funding that has enabled Jose Navegants to help hundreds of underprivileged youths discover the joys of being part of a team on a boat. We salute the great dedication and commitment by all those involved with Joves Navegants changing the lives of young, disadvantaged people in the Balearics. We as Pinmar will continue to support them address the challenge of maintaining SY Galaxie to ensure the continuity of the services they provide to our community.”

Dr. Stoma

I had the honor of being present at the birth of Joves Navegants a humanitarian aid organization which has been helping underprivileged young people from the Balearic Islands to partake in a character forming and inspiring experience. We know that it is much more important in a young persons life and evolution to be given experiences than it is to be given material things. Joves Navegants brings the sea and the seafaring life close to young people that even though they have grown up next to the sea, they would not normally have had a chance to live it and even make a living through it. Boats can not sail without team work, discipline, consideration, courage, effort and trust. These are values that JN transmits to young people with difficult backgrounds and who if they are not helped they would very likely go in to a down hill spiral in their lives. The sea experience gives them motivation and opens horizons that few other activities can give them. We are enjoying one of the most beautiful islands in the world, let’s help those young ones who somehow have not managed to log in to this beauty and wonder, start on a road that may lead them to a good, satisfying and productive life. Please join JN in this worth while effort. Dr.Michael Stoma

Captain John Bardon

For youngsters who do not have access to sailing yachts the experience of going to sea under sail can be a real eye opener and a way to learn. Not necessarily how to be a sailor but how to work together in a small space. How to accept the responsibility for each task that has to be done. However simple that task may seem it is still an important part of the overall picture of the management of a vessel at sea. These tasks cover everything from setting sail, washing dishes and cleaning toilets and sometimes, when all else is done, enjoying the experience of being driven at speed by the force of the wind alone. Sail training can be the opening into a life long career into many of the very varied opportunities that come with the enormous expansion of the recreational yacht industry in recent years.


“La cura de todo es agua salada; sudor; lagrimas o el mar”

Karen Blixon

Options for Collaboration

All donations are used directly to help disadvantaged young people from the Balearic Islands and to maintain Galaxie (all donations made within Spain are tax deductible)


Donaciones seguras a través de PayPal.



Personal Contribution

Queremos agradecer todos nuestros colaboradores y los que han tomado parte en nuestro programa de Crowd Funding.
Bienvenidos a la familia de Joves Navegants de Balears.
Les damos la bienvenida con:

  • Icono digital de Amigos de Joves Navegants 2019 para uso firma personal, en tarjetas, correos, páginas web etc.
  • Visita al GALAXIE durante las jornadas puertas abiertas.



Bronze Collaboration

Queremos agradecer todos nuestros colaboradores y los que han tomado parte en nuestro programa de Crowd Funding.
Bienvenidos a la familia de Joves Navegants de Baleares.
Les damos la bienvenida con:

  • Icono digital de Amigos de Joves Navegants 2019 para uso firma personal, en tarjetas, correos, páginas web etc.
  • Visita al GALAXIE durante las jornadas puertas abiertas.
  • 1 x Invitación a eventos puntuales de la Fundación.



Silver Collaboration

Queremos agradecer todos nuestros colaboradores y los que han tomado parte en nuestro programa de Crowd Funding.
Bienvenidos a la familia de Joves Navegants de Baleares.
Les damos la bienvenida con:

  • Icono digital de Amigos deJoves Navegants 2019 para uso firma personal, en tarjetas, correos, páginas web etc.
  • Visita al GALAXIE durante las jornadas puertas abiertas.
  • 2 x Invitaciones a eventos puntuales de la Fundacion. Presencia de imagen como colaborador en todas las comunicaciones de la Fundación Joves Navegants de Baleares.
  • Para empresas: Presencia de imagen en todas las comunica.



Gold Collaboration

Queremos agradecer todos nuestros colaboradores y los que han tomado parte en nuestro programa de Crowd Funding.
Bienvenidos a la familia de Joves Navegants de Baleares.
Les damos la bienvenida con:

  • Icono digital de Amigos deJoves Navegants 2019 para uso firma personal, en tarjetas, correos, páginas web etc.
  • Visita al GALAXIE durante las jornadas puertas abiertas.
  • 2 x Invitaciones a eventos puntuales de la Fundacion. Presencia de imagen como colaborador en todas las comunicaciones de la Fundación Joves Navegants de Baleares.
  • Gallardete personalizado. alzado en el GALAXIE durante estancia en puertos, regatas y reportajes.

Bank Transfer

If you wish to make a donation by Bank transfer or Direct debit please contact us for more information

Friends of Joves Navegants

We believe in close collaboration with our sponsors. The harmony of our mission with our commitment to young people means that collaboration is not only measurable by its economic factors but also by its solidarity.


Edificio Torremar
Avinguda Gabriel Roca, 44, 5é pis
07014 Palma


Edificio Torremar
Avinguda Gabriel Roca, 44, 5é pis
07014 Palma



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